Wednesday, 11 April 2018

"Good, but expensive. Recommended for live cells imaging"

PRODUCT:                 DRAQ5

Application Area:       Staining of cell nuclei for CLSM analysis

Ease of Use:              ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
After Sales Service:    ⭐⭐
Value for Money:        ⭐
 Average rating:          3.7

Comments: The product works very well and can be re-used. I used it as an alternative to DAPI and Hoechst, to stain cellular DNA within the nucleus, because the CLSM system we use does not have a 405 nm laser line. The main problem of this product is that it is very expensive when compared to other stains such as the ones mentioned above. Indeed for such application I would not recommend it. However, it is ideal for live cell imaging experiments since it is cell permeable and the 633 laser used for its excitation is much less phototoxic as compared to the 405 one.

Gualtiero Alvisi

Organisation: University of Padua


Manufacturer's response: Dear Gualtiero, Thanks for your considered review of DRAQ5 and we note your comment on cost. DRAQ5 is second generation DNA probe that enables live or fixed cell counterstaining and avoids UV exposure as you rightly observe, plus with much lower photo-bleaching and remarkable shelf stability. Being red-excited it also enables use of the new violet-excited chromophores to extend channel capacity. Bearing these significant benefits in mind, the cost per slide of around 30 eurocents (based on 5uM, 200ul per slide, 200ul pack list price) would seem to be not unreasonable!

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