Tuesday, 12 June 2018

"Good product"

PRODUCT:                  DRAQ7

Application Area:        Analyze number of dead cells at each timepoint

Ease of Use:              ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
After Sales Service:    ⭐
Value for Money:        ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Average rating:           4.3

Comments: My colleagues and I could see a clear and bright signal even with low laser power. There was never an issue of poor dye penetration into 3D cellular aggregates, as would otherwise be observed with more common nuclear dyes, such as Hoechst . The quality of staining is usually consistent across experiments  and among different colleagues. This follows that our results were also consistent across experiments. The dye was stable after repeated uses, and the signal intensity of DRAQ7 did not decrease with repeated use. Moreover, as it is simply added to cell culture media, it fits easily into any experimental design.  I would recommend DRAQ7 to other researchers for its stability, fluorescence quality and its convenience of use. One suggestion for improvement would be to create versions in other fluorescence colors instead of just one which is presently APC.

Name: Sharon Lee

Organisation: Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology

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